ISO 26000 Social Responsibility Management System


In our modern world where consumers increasingly search for purpose-driven organizations, social responsibility serves as a compass to direct organizations toward a better and more ethical future. While not obligatory, social responsibility determines an organization’s reputation and affects consumer loyalty and brand value. As such, it is important for organizations to adopt social responsibilities practices, as it benefits not only the organization, but its stakeholders and the community as well.

Some of the CSR effects on consumers and employees are provided in the statistics below:

77% of consumers are driven to purchase from organizations committed to improving the world
55% of consumers believe it is important for organizations to express their stance on key social, environmental, and political matters
93% of employees believe organizations should prioritize leading with purpose
90% of employees who work at organizations with a strong sense of purpose say they are more inspired, motivated and loyal
Source: Stobierski, T. “15 Eye-opening Corporate Social Responsibility Statistics.” Harvard Busines School Online. Last modified June 15, 2021.

What is ISO 26000?
ISO 26000 is an international standard developed to provide guidance on behaving in a socially responsible way. This standard is applicable to all organizations, whose aim is to contribute to the health and wellbeing of society, regardless of their size or industry. Serving as a guidance standard, ISO 26000 helps organizations in improving their operational processes and promoting a healthy ecosystem.

Why is Social Responsibility Important?
Social responsibility has become crucial, with increased public expectations for organizations to operate in a socially responsible manner and adhere to established standards. Across the world, organizations must take proactive measures to enhance their social responsibility performance in order to make the world a better place. Adopting the guidance of ISO 26000 demonstrates an organization’s commitment to establish socially responsible practices but also demonstrates to your audience that you are actively contributing to sustainable development.

An ISO 26000 Lead Manager certification will boost your career, making you more attractive to new opportunities and employers who value social responsibility and sustainable development.

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