ISO 28000 Supply Chain Security Management System


Experiencing security issues is usually not a matter of if but when. Organizations are continuously facing security risks that seriously threaten their operations. High-value products are prone to theft, confidential information is prone to hacking, and personnel are prone to injury. Such security incidents will not only cause financial and business losses, but may also lead to legal consequences and reputational damage. This is why security management has become a crucial aspect for organizations. In this regard, ISO 28000 provides organizations with a comprehensive approach to security management.

What is ISO 28000?
ISO 28000 specifies the requirements for establishing, implementing, maintaining, and improving a security management system (SeMS), including the aspects relevant to the security of the supply chain.

ISO 28000:2022 Security and resilience – Security management systems – Requirements replaces the ISO 28000:2007 Specification for security management systems for the supply chain. The title of the standard has been changed to emphasize the fact that ISO 28000 requirements are not only applicable to organizations in the supply chain, but to all organizations, regardless of the type, size, or industry.

The new edition of ISO 28000 follows the harmonized structure of ISO, where the requirements for the SeMS are outlined in clauses 4 to 10. This enables organizations to integrate the SeMS with other management systems based on ISO standards.

The new edition of ISO 28000 includes additional recommendations as well. In clause 4, recommendations on eight principles for security management have been added to ensure better alignment with ISO 31000 (the standard for risk management). In addition, clause 8 sets out recommendations related to security strategies, procedures, processes and treatments, and security plans that ensure consistency with ISO 22301 (the standard for business continuity management).

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